How is Orexian Foundation different in it’s offering?

Orexian Foundation looks at learning as an activity that’s complementary to school. Our thinking is that everyone has a unique ability, interest and pace when it comes to learning. We believe that there is a need to facilitate this process.

What we learn/gather in school or in colleges is “information”. It needs be to be transformed in to “knowledge”.

Knowledge needs to be gained by experience & learning.

What it means is, we need to apply the information and gain insights (of using the information : experience) and develop our understanding of this process (learning).

Let me explain with an example.

Say, I go to a driving school. And I learn to drive and then take a test. I get the license. What this has done to me so far is, I have most of the information on how to drive as well as how not to.

But it hasn’t taught me, how do I drive a car vs a suv vs a truck.

And rightfully so it doesn’t make a world of difference between these, unless unique situations present themselves, where these differences are larger and the right information you already have requires to be applied.

Say, you are driving at 70mph and need to apply brakes. You do have the information that it takes different times for different vehicles to come to stop based on their weight, size etc. Also you know that it depends on the condition of the road.

But you have never experienced it yourself in different situations, how these vehicles handle because you have not had an opportunity to put your learning (information) to work (i.e. practice in different scenarios). So you don’t really know what to expect when you apply the brakes. Of course the vehicle is going to stop because it’s the known function of that feature “brakes”.

But only after you have driven different vehicles over a period of time; you may have experienced these nuances and therefore may have developed knowledge about “braking”.

So now, when are letting your kid drive for the first time, you tell him or her what to do or how to anticipate a situation in a particular scenario. You are now imparting the knowledge you have. For the kid though, this may still be an information.

At Orexian Foundation, through our carefully identified projects & unique method of “facilitating the learning”, we create an opportunity for the kids to apply their learning, experience it, develop deeper understanding and therefore become knowledgeable.

After all, tomorrow is not known to us! So if we are well prepared, only then can we Build A Better Tomorrow!

Grades or No Grades

My son & I discuss a lot on education. He is a doctor (medicine) and I am an Engineer. We both have absolutely no background on teaching… other than the “teachers gene”. Teaching runs in our family. From my great grand father to my father, my grand father & grand mother on my moms side including my mom, my uncle & my brother & his wife, all are/were teachers. So we joke about a teaching gene and we think it gives my son & I the privilege to speak about education. Ha Ha!

Well one of the qualms we have about the education, is grades. I am 3rd grader, she is in 6th grade and so on.

Grades is like a fraternity in my opinion except you don’t get to enjoy it most of the time unless you are in top 20% or bottom.

Well let me explain. When one says he/she is in 11th grade… does it mean that he/she has an equal grasp on all subjects? The scores won’t certainly agree. Someone is better at one subject but sucks at the other is what we are used to see all the time. Still we say he is in 8th grade so he is more informed that someone who is in 6th grade. May be “more informed is true” but “more knowledgeable”, would be questionable.

So someone at grade 6 could be well above that grade for certain subject and vice versa.

Of course my point is not to argue against school nor I am saying change the whole thing but what I am saying is we NEED TO provide avenues & opportunities to those who want to explore and learn at their own pace.

That’s exactly Orexian Foundation has in mind. Complementing the learning at the school by providing what they are missing out on.

Check out the references-

1. Revolution of self directed learning.

2. What if students controlled their own learning?

3. Changing Education Paradigm by Sir Ken Robinson.

There are many… I do like the schools though. Learning together, becoming a part of a group not only gives a sense of security but also strengthens the learning.

Anyways… that’s all for the day!

Now what do you think? Is it a first grader written blog or an engineer’s design note? 🙂 (Neither have good readability)

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