HobbyEL-01 : 3 Levels of Certification
Modules: 6 Lessons: 30 Total Duration: 5-60Hours
Hobbyist Enthusiast: Modules 1,2 3
Hobbyist Master: 1,2,3 & 4
Hobbyist Proficient: 1,2,3,4, 5 & 6
Note: These certificates are not accredited by any educational institution!
What could you have done by end of the class?
You will be able be able to build full hobby project from Conception to Completion similar to the one shown in this video

Most of you have been heavily involved in mentoring of some kind.. may be with your own kids. Some of you are also involved as coaches for science fairs for your kids. And of course are learning a lot during the process. Some of you also have a desire about refreshing and/or learning something new. Orexian Foundation, is offering a structured learning class (basics & complex) on Hobby Electronics. This would not only help you grow your knowledge but will also provide inspiration for your kids as a role model. Learn basic and complex electronics, coding and create fun projects.
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