SURGE-S4F™ Summer Workshop
What is a workshop?
A meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project.
What is SURGE-S4F™ Workshop?
An activity where kids (and Parents) learn & explore science together with other kids & instructors by building simple projects using kits. In these workshops the primary aim is not to learn science but to explore and have fun. There is no goal that you need to work towards. Just build what you like, how you like and when you like. We know that the curiosity will make them learn and apply it intuitively.
What is the method of this workshop?
- Kids are divided based on their liking and age.
- They are assigned a Facilitator – typically 1 facilitator for 10 kids.
- There is an Instructor for each workshop.
- There will be 6 total days – each day of 4 hours.
- Each day they will have a set of activities with pre-defined projects & kits.
- During the last hour of each day – the kids will be working in a teams.
- This team will work on a defined project that will be part of a big project that will happen over 6 days.
- On the 6th day, all the kids will assemble & demo their sections separately and then there will be a grand demo.
Note: The experts are still finalizing workshop details. The actual workshop details may differ than what’s outlined above.
What are the areas the projects will be around?
- These projects are built around simple scientific principles. Please see Project Ideas.
- These projects are classified in to various scientific phenomenon such as Light, Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, Pressure & Force as well as projects around resources such as water.
- There are simple projects in each of these categories. For example, in Light or Optics Category, there is a pin-hole camera or a periscope. In pressure there is a project to build submarine. In magnetism there are projects from building magnet all the way to build electric motor.
- There are common team projects to build toys.
- Additionally we are concepting some complex year round projects for kids with special interest in STEM. Such projects are based on focused learning and problem solving. Example of such would be building a remote control car with obstacle detection.
- There are self-help projects for interested kids to build devices to solve every day problems.
- Kids can get to participate Orexian Foundation’s product development exercise too if they want and if they satisfy the participation criteria.
Would there be charge for these workshops?
- Orexian Foundation is a nonprofit organization.
- It’s instructors and facilitators volunteer time to make the workshops happen.
- However, the workshops need additional infrastructure and resources that will cost money.
- The Board of Directors are working hard to keep the charges reasonable and make the workshop affordable.
- Orexian Foundation would also request donations from parents who can afford so some other kids can benefit.
Orexian Foundation reserves the right to change the material advertised above and anywhere else on our site.